Thursday, February 9, 2012

I am having a few friends over tomorrow for movies and chinese take-out. I want to order something new and healthy. The restaurant near me offers 'Buddha's delight' and 'Mixed vegetables delight'. Can someone please describe what these dishes are, their ingredients, and how the two vary? Thanks so much!|||The other 2 are right, most time it is not a big difference except the Buddha's Delight may have dried and fresh mushrooms, bamboo shoot, water chestnuts and bok choy, were the other veg combo might be just broccoli, cabbage, carrots, onions and afew other less expensive type of veg, and the sauces may vary to, like the other have said most dishes common to all Chinese restaurants can vary in ingredients and portion size some a litte other alot, best to find out the difference to be sure.|||Heather - there are no standard recipes or definitions for those two foods.

The way one restaurant makes them may be very different from another.

The only way you are going to know - is to call the restaurant that is making them - they will know the difference.|||You'll have to call the restaurant(s) yourself and ask them. These aren't standard dishes. Most Chinese food has no standard recipe. Even fried rice will vary from restaurant to restaurant.


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