Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i think the curry flavor stands ou in both currys but jamaican curry is creamy and has a bolder flavor im always wishing the chinese take out i get would be alot stronger but it does satisfy my curry craving very good just not as good|||I've never heard of Chinese curry, or Jamaican curry for that matter... Based on the curries I have had - Thai, Japanese, "Indian" - I would expect a curry from a Jamaican restaurant to taste much different than one from a Chinese restaurant.

Japanese curry, for instance, is a lot milder and sweeter than other curries, primarily because they use apples in addition to onions, which are then cooked into a paste before the normal spices are added, etc. etc. etc.

Furthermore, Jamaican cooking doesn't use coconut milk so I wouldn't expect their take on curry to include that. It probably would also use more of the spices that are common in Jamaican cooking, as opposed to the melange of Indian spices that make up "Curry".


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