Friday, March 9, 2012

When you are near - my heart
beats faster
than crowds at a salmon bake who race
with three legs

When you are near - my heart
rates higher
than Californians with maladies, bongs
and roach clips

When you are near - my heart
and I die
to be even closer

Closer than the nearest Chinese
take out.
.|||My brain while reading your poem:

Ugh a love song
three legged salmon eaters?
Home for amputee dogs, or men all horny for fish??
Ah Calcicafornia, land of brown outs and burnouts
(but roach clip is redundant and two items does not make a list.)
Chinese take out -- Dim the Lights Sum. Fade to Black. Exeunt.|||My heart flatlines faster
than a Facist foraging through my finances
every payday Friday.|||BAHAHAHAHA!

edit- BTW who doesn't love Chinese take-out? So really that is pretty close.
edit even more - Buk is such a show off with all of those consonants in a row. (te he)|||I think you need to not eat dinner and find the one that makes your heart beat faster. Good one.|||I feel hungry.|||I just wanna swim upstream and get um- cloned or mabye d-boned, LOL|||my erratic heart
quivers at your approach
and my meds
are $10 for three months
at Wal-Mart,
thank you very much!|||Is heart on the menu?
I musta walked into
the wrong deli


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